Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A New Thing...Sewing...

I love to scrap, but lately I have been in a bit of a creative slump. No creating going on lately. Maybe too much blogging, Facebook, getting ready to teach my class this weekend, my house being a mess, finishing a good book...whatever it is, it has been no go for awhile. Then...ta da! I pulled out this little number yesterday (it's a little sewing machine for paper) that I bought about 2 years ago and never thought it would really work. Well, I was wrong! I am sewing paper left and right (well, just one project)...just what I needed!

JB called yesterday while I was sewing...here's the conversation:
JB - what are you doing?
Me - sewing
JB - quiet.....what are you sewing
Me - paper
JB - quiet....
Me - are you there?
JB - paper?
Me - yea.
JB - oh. that's good. I thought you were, like, trying to sew....like....fabric.
Hmmm..wonder what he meant by that...anyway...here was my first sewing attempt...(sorry that the pictures are a bit blurry...)


  1. Okay Ms. Katie - I'm digging mine out this weekend if I have time. If not this weekend next - tooo cute. Thanks for sharing!

    And I ask - when will you create the "Katie" Font???

  2. chick...i am seeing grandma shane in you more and more. you are gluing costume jewelry onto xmas tress, sewing stuff........next you will be knitting us all pot holders!

    big sis

  3. Katie, I LOVE it! Stitching adds so much. I've never jumped onto that bandwagon because I'm not allowed to touch Bailey's sewing machine! Do you think I could operate this? You know I am completely tool impaired.

