Wednesday, January 14, 2009

An All Time Favorite Picture....

This is a picture that I think will always be one of my all time favorite pictures. It was taken in 2006, during one of those times when we were all just messing around taking pictures and trying to catch ourselves "in motion." I laid on the floor and the boys jumped off the bed. We decided to have Sammy stand close to me and JB jump off the bed. At this angle it looks as if he is about to touch the ceiling. In reality, he barely cleared the bed....have more "action" photos from over the years that I will post sometime...they do make me LOL!!


  1. Hmmm, wondering who raised that silly big kid!

  2. in 5 years you are going to be paying for therapy for sam because he developed a strange fear of people falling out of the sky.

    big sis

