Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Okay - we finally got everything put away for xmas. Meaning, we put it in the bins and up into the attic, which is located in our freezing cold, nasty car snow droppings garage. JB asked if I would help him out. No problem. I go out in the freezing, NO insulation garage and see this...I did not make him pose..this is "real life" at our place. "Honey...you okay." Response: "Oh Yea! Can you hand me up the one of the bins." Me: "Seriously?" (I packed those things and I did not pack them light. ) Him: "You can do it." Me: "I'll be right back." I go inside and call our favorite neighbor...The Brain. Thank goodness The Brain was about done balancing his checkbook and could come over and help JB out...

As said in the movie A Christmas Story: "This is a major award, honey!"

Yea, this is how the professionals do it. The Brain is tossing up one of my little xmas tree boxes to JB in the attic...

What is up with guys and their stocking hats with pom-poms? My dad has one of this little numbers in red...


  1. I want Brian for a neighbor. He is so ready, willing and able and comes with pom pom decoration.

    I think I am getting the comment process down!

  2. Yea! I am glad that you didn'y give up on getting your comments posted!!

