Thursday, May 26, 2016

Jack's First Track Meet...

Jack had his first track meet the other weekend on, what I felt like, was the coldest and windiest day of the spring so far. 

Jack's race was called so he checked in and the proceeded to take off his warm ups, which would not have been a big deal, but it was 30 windchill and he didn't run for about 30 minutes! He actually could have kept them on and then right before his race, he could taken them off. Oh no...he wanted to be ready!

He practiced some starts with people in winter coats behind him!

Can you spot Jack in the middle of the crowd trying to get some body heat off of other runners who are dressed warmly? Some kids opted for running in their winter clothes: stocking caps, sweatshirts and mittens! That would have been me! Check out the boy to the left of Jack in the Nike sweatshirt. His face says it all, "Dude, where are your clothes?"

Finally, his race started! 
Jack is will be 11 by the end of the year, so he runs with boys that are 11-12 years old. He is actually one of the youngest runners.

He hasn't placed in many of his races, but his times are sure improving!

He actually got fourth in his heat and ran a person best time! Jack and the boy next to him decided to run with their eyes closed and just feel the fast.

 Suddenly, I notice that Jack was in dire need of a haircut. His hair is actually flowing in the wind!
 Run, Jack, Run!!!
 He immediately ran to put on his warm clothes that felt like he was tucking into his snugly bed.(Jack's words)
 Oh wait...he saw that a teammate was running and decided to cheer him on! Check out his spike and one running!

 Here are Jack's fans watching from the stands. Who wears a stocking cap, winter coat and blankets wrapped around them at a track meet?
I don't want to complain too much because I know those 100 degree track meet days where the sweat runs down my back and I have to make sure to wear a certain pair of shorts so all the sweat doesn't puddle on my rear (too much sharing?) are just around the corner!

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