Tuesday, May 31, 2016

All Weekend Long...

We have been "putting" our feet in the pool for so long and just waiting for the official OK when we could jump in!
The pool "opened" on Wednesday (jas and I had pool school that night)  and the boys have been in the pool sine: all Wednesday evening, all Friday evening, (had graduations all day on Saturday) all day Sunday (8 hours straight with out a "pool break!") and all afternoon on Monday! They are wiped out, but oh so happy!!

We decided to have a last minute pool party with our "football" friends. So we decided to "set up" with full knowledge that we would have to put all the furniture back on Monday evening.

Jack set up the floating devices. 
 I set up the relaxation area! My favorite place!! I may or may not have dozed off there Monday afternoon.

The boys made big plans for when their friends arrived!

Friends arrived and they were in the pool all evening and night. The four older boys met in preschool. The three younger siblings have always been around each other because of the older boys. The group is pretty tight! Hannah, the only girl, is always welcome to bring a friend, but is pretty protective of her boys and has yet to let another "girl" into the group.
Monday afternoon we had to put everything back due to the tile guys coming on Tuesday.
And that is a wrap of the first official pool weekend and we would call it a success!

Fun facts:
Jack has lost 6 pounds since starting to play in the pool!
Sam is tanner than he has ever been...already!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember my high school years with our pool it was great. I was a prune all summer, but a tan prune

