Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!
I am writing this on the eve of going back to school, schedules and routines. Yea and Yuck.  (I can hear Sam practicing his Spanish speech in the background...which he must have memorized for Monday morning. Nothing like starting at 5:00 on Sunday night!)

We had a wonderful winter break. 
(Doesn't everyone say this when you ask them?)

Here are ten things we did over break:
1. Jack decided to stick an eraser on the bottom of his chin (over and over) and gave himself little hickies.  (Proud mom moment.)
2. Sam organized a successful shoe and sock drive at school and we dropped the donations at our local clothing exchange.

3. We cheered on the Iowa State Cyclones when they took on UNI in the Wells Fargo Winter Classic. Bummer they lost.

 As you can see, Sam's (and Jason's) legs are so long, they didn't have much room in their seats! It makes me jealous. I had no issues with my legs having enough room. Nice face Jack.

Jason and Jack made and appearance on TV during the game!! Jack must of just had a bad play on his video game!

4. Jack spent alot of his time making stop motion movies. This one is about the Ewoks in Star Wars. 

5. We celebrated Christmas. 

Jack waiting at the window for everyone to arrive. 

The boys scored some new ISU basketball hats!

Sam was a photo bomber.
And then helped Grandpa up because he didn't have his hard hat with him! 
(wink wink)

My sister with the boys.
My parents with the boys.

6. Jack tried out his new Go-Pro as Jason pulled him on the ranger around the yard. He also worked on stuffing his school scrapbook and built Legos! And wore his robe every day.

7.We hung out in our comfy clothes, read books (Jack and I) and napped...alot. Even Jason who NEVER naps, was caught napping! It was soooo nice just to hang low!
 Favorite hang out pants!

8.One of our favorite times of the year...Cousin Christmas!! 

The boys both got bows and arrows this year. Fun times.

Family picture! 
(Jason's sister has on the glasses...with the blonde hair. heehee) Sam 's head was a little reflective. 

9. We watched movies and lots of football and played games.  We played a new game "Ticket to Ride," played cards, played Yahtzee and Jack taught us how to play bunko!

10. This last weekend, Jack and I cleaned out, organized and dusted his bedroom. We also moved a desk into his room which he absolutely loves! Jason and Sam replaced a toilet and cleaned out the garage! Phew!!

I discovered that this is very true!!

But Jack would be 1% complaining, he's good to go once he gets going BECAUSE he is 99% playing!!
PS: I bought my favorite time of the year candy: Valentine Candy!! Oh...and I decided I should start to work out more often, after I eat three bags of candy! (who doesn't say that one, too!)

PSS: Sam was around for break,but most of his days were spent playing basketball in the morning until noon or sleeping until 11:00 when I woke him up. Then when he got home from BB or up from sleeping, he would go to a friend's house. Oh, those teenage years!!

I did catch him one morning outside shooting his new bow and arrow. I think it's him...I hadn't seen him for awhile. He sure has grown... (wink wink)

Here's to a new year and new resolutions. I just wish I could keep the intent I have on these first few days in January all year long!!

1 comment:

  1. Funny reading your blog, was that a blow up crayon in jacks room Sydney has a purple one, funny

