Thursday, December 24, 2015

Cookie Decorating!

Every year the boys go over to my mom's house to decorate cookies with her. She is awesome! She has everything ready to go because once the boys get there... is time to decorate EVERYTHING!!
 This year, the cookies had a theme to them. I don't know if you know this, but Star Wars released a new movie. (if you haven't seen it, go, it's amazing!!) So, most of the cookies were decorated as Star Wars characters!
 Hans Solo

 Storm Trooper


 Luke Skywalker


 Princess Leia.
 I think that she was made at the end, when the boys were high with sugar and really couldn't focus any longer! She has pretzels in her hair and no braided buns. 

I eventually had to ask my mom to bring over some other Christmas cookies the boys decorated due to a strict "no eating the Star Wars cookie characters" band, that has been strongly enFORCEd!!

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