Thursday, November 19, 2015

Vikings Game...

(For some reason, my posts haven't been going up!! UGH!!)
Last weekend, we all headed up for our once a season family football game in Minneapolis. It was long overdue for the four of us to get away and hang out together. 

On Saturday, we headed to the Mall of America for shopping (me) and riding rides (the boys.)
Jason and Sam are in the front row on the right side! Sam mentioned that he had never ridden in the front row before...check that one off his list!

Before heading to the game, we ate brunch at a fun little dive place in the city. We decided that Sam has been growing (again) because he LOVED the brunch and made his many trips worth the cost!

We catch the train to the game and then cab it back. Super easy!!

Lucky me to have this gentleman sit in front of me!
 And his wife sat in front of Jack!
 Yep, Sam is growing. Whine he packed, I asked him if his jeans still fit. "Yep!" he told me. Well, they still fit, but they are about six inches too short!!! He told me that his ankles got chilly a times because he could feel a breeze on them! oh my.

This weekend was to honor men and women in the services. It was really cool to hear stories and then see the actual people at the game. Well done Vikes! 
 Before the game, several players come down to the end zone to pray. Petersen is on the left and Teddy is on the right.
 Teddy prayed hard on this day. I was afraid he might miss the beginning of the game!

Jack thought the day was a success because he got to eat his favorite stadium snack...fried cheese curds!
It was a nail biter of a game. Went into overtime, but the Viking pulled it out once again! Phew!!

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