Monday, November 23, 2015

Congrats, Jack!

In October, Jack's school had a fire safety poster contest. Jack came home and knew exactly what he wanted to create for his poster. He sat down, drew a smoke detector, smoke and the slogan,

 "Hear the beep, when you sleep! 
All bedrooms should have a working smoke alarm."

Well, wouldn't ya know it, Jack's poster tied for first place!
Congratulations to you, my son!
His winning poster was made into bookmarks and available at his school's library. Jack got a special laminated one. 

He also gets to choose one of the three options as a prize:
1. Have your family take a CPR class.
2. Have a firefighter come and eat lunch with you at school.
3. Have the fire truck deliver pizza to your house! (great birthday idea!)
"Wow, Jack! Those are some great choices! (decision, decisions) What do you think you will do?" I asked him.
He looked at me and said, in ALL seriousness,  

"I think I will do the CPR class."

"Oh. OK. Sounds like a good idea to me."
It is his prize, not mine!

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