Tuesday, October 27, 2015


As I said yesterday, I think Jack was a little inspired by the movie birds. He came in the next day and said, "Check this car out I just made, it's a lot like the one Mitch drove out of town in the movie!"

Jack also created a Mitch. Love how he drew the tie on Mitch.
He found crows and put them on the car and on "something." I asked him what was that thing the crow was sitting on...he said the railing at the house!

 Here is the car from the movie. Jack's isn't silver...they are not enough silver Legos! Notice the birds on the railing!

 And here is Mitch!


Here are a couple other views of The Birds Lego creation by Jack. You can see more details of the car.
 Jack took this picture and he loved the shadows!

 I must make a mental note of what movies we watch in the future, due to what he may decide to create. Hmmmm...might be too late.

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