Monday, October 26, 2015

Dinner and a Movie...

Last Friday, the four of us had dinner and a movie. One person gets to pick the movie for the night's viewing and chooses a dinner that  "goes" with the movie.  It was Jack's choice and so we had chicken tacos and watched Alfred Hitchcock's movie The Birds.  The perfect movie to start off our Halloween week! 

The boys have heard us talk about this movie and how unsettling it was. Well the boys had a different opinion about the 1963 movie. 

About 40 minutes in, Jack turned to me and said, "There is absolutely nothing happening in this movie. It is about a girl who bought some love birds to a guy and all they do is talk." 

Then the kids got attacked by birds.... 
Finally, some action!!
And guess what they boys did...laughed and laughed!! 
What?? Why??
They thougth it was so cheesy because the kids were obviously not even running down a street! No blue or green screen technology in this flick!

This scene got a few chuckles too. The girl just laid there and Jack said, "Get up! Only one bird on ya!" Between his giggles.

Both boys were a little more quiet during the "bigger" attacks, such as the one in the phone booth and the one in the bedroom.'scage2.jpg

If you haven't seen the moive, then I am sorry...I am going to give the ending away!!
This is the final shot in the movie.  They drive away from the house not disturbing the birds. The end. We were all quiet and suddenly Sam says, "IS THAT IT?"  I was the one laughing this time! I can't stand movies that just end. I knew this was how the movie ended and I wondered if either boy would make a comment. I was obviously not disappointed! 

Though the boys may not have enjoyed THIS old horror movie, I must say it does inspire me to create a great Halloween costume someday! 
And I believe Jack may have enjoyed the movie a little more than he is willing to admit. Stop back tomorrow to check out his "Birds" inspired Lego car!

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