Thursday, July 23, 2015

Memory Keeping with a Midori

I have seen several people use Midori Traveler's Notebooks for memory keeping and wanted to give it a try. When better, then with our vacation to Colorado. I have tired all sorts of different ways to document our vacations (So far my most "successful" attempt was the Simple Stories 8x6 album which I really enjoyed due to the smaller size.) So I was excited to try using a notebook, which honestly is out of my comfort zone!

Before we left on vacation, I prepared inserts for the inside of my Midori cover to take with me. To keep small memoribilla, I used envelopes. I put strips of favorite washi along the bottom of the envelopes. I then used packing tape to tape the envelopes together, leaving a gap between so they would fit under one of the elastics in my cover.  

 During the trip, I bought lots of stickers to use in my notebook. Perfect embellishmenst for a buck or two!  I tucked these into one of the envelopes for safe keeping!

In the other pocket I placed business cards I collected at different restaurants. I also tucked in some pictures I printed off my Instax Printer, which prints credit card size photos. 
Side Story
My entire plan was to print photos and actually scrapbook while on vacation. I went to get my things out the first night and discovered I had forgotten the cord to my Canon Selphy printer...boooo!!! I was extremely bummed. I had done loads of planning (imagine that) to bring just the right scrapbooking items (paper, stamps, stickers) and couldn't do or use any of it because I forgot a cord. Yes, I did go out to see if I could purchase another one, but for 70 bucks it just wasn't worth it. So, I focused on photo taking,  journaling and collecting!  Just as fun!!

 Back to my inserts. 
I wanted something to place larger memorabilia or other items. I took a Simple Stories 8x6 page refill along with and two 4x6 pocket page refill. 

The refill pages looked like this before I cut the edge off  the left side of each refill page.

Again, I spaced the refill pages apart and used packing tape to hold them together. Unfortunately, they were still a little long, so I cut the right sides down and then sealed them together with washi tape.

 In these pockets I kept maps, walking maps, postcards... and other items. It was actually quite handy!

In the back I tucked a notebook for journaling.

Thank goodness I did take notes, because on the way home we were trying to remember what night we did what!!

I also did some page planning.

 I also picked up a few brochures and magazines about the different areas we visited. It will be fun to include a few of these clippings in my album!

Can't wait to get started on my notebook and will share with you the process and results!

Check out Amy Tangerine's video on how she uses her Midori to memory keeping by clicking here!

Another great video is done by Cori, The Rest Girl, while she was sitting outside in wonderful it that!

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