Monday, July 27, 2015

Heading To Colorado!

Last week, we got back from a family vacation to Vail, Colorado. It was amazing and we fell in love with the scenery, weather and all the outdoor activities! We are definitely going back!

We headed out of town at 8:00 am, with the odometer at 28162 at the elevation of 925 ft., prepared to spend 8-9 hours in the car!

 But first some breakfast!

 I must share that the boys are awesomely amazing travelers! They played on their phones, i-pads and watched movies. Not once, during the whole trip, did the complain about being in the car. Kuddos to them!!

Jack did a little napping...takes after his mom!

We took lots of selfies to send to our travel companions!

 Our travel buddies? 
My mom, dad and sister. They joined us on our trip out to the West! The three of them drove in a separate car and we would meet up at our final destination for that day!

At one point we were getting a little desperate for gas, so we pulled off the interstate into a little Colorado town. There was one pump and one handle on the pump. As you can see we had to prepay. Do you remember the non-digital gas pumps?  The boys thought this gas pump was pretty funny!! 

We met up with our travel buddies at our final destination for the first day, Fort Morgan, Colorado.
We purchased a selfie stick and it came in very handy for our group shots! My dad wasn't quite sure what was going on or where to look. No worries, he had it down by the last day of vacation!

Can't wait to share more of our adventures!

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