Wednesday, July 8, 2015

June Happenings...

I looked back at previous posts and have noticed I have been a bad blogger! It's not that There wasn't much going on, I've been lazy when it comes to blogging. Sam called me out on this...again!

So, here's some happenings from June that could have been blogged, but didn't make it!

Sam had his guitar recital. He played "The Wolf" by Mumford and Sons. He was amazing. It's so fun to listen to him play and "Jam."

Sam enjoyed a day at Adventureland with his friends.

 Sam travels for LaCrosse.  Some mornings he has to get up pretty early and then sleeps in the car. He has got to be tired because Sam never sleeps in the car!
 Both boys got a new pair for spikes for track.

I tried a Starbucks mini...yummy!!
Jack chilled out in a massage chair.

Sam built in his room. 

Jack and I spent the afternoon walking around the East Village and had a fresh cookie at Thelma's.
 And a visit to the East Village is not complete without stopping by Raygun!

My little computer junkie actually brought his computer in the car one afternoon. Oh well.
Hope your summer is going as well as ours has been this June!

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