Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fourth of July Party!

We made some great friends through Sam's non-school football career and we all get together a few times every year. We have found that the fourth of July has become one of the days to gather, because, most families are available! This year we gathered at our house and it was a BLAST!! (pun intended)

At one point the kids lined up and each had a roman candle! It was awesome! They all started yelling "spells" from Harry Potter!
 The boys not only have a fun group of friends, but a nice bunch of kids, too!
 We put our old fire-pit up by the garage where the kids were setting off smoke bombs and little firecrackers. They actually had a ton of "kid" appropriate fireworks to set off for over two hours! They started making smore's and hanging out...it worked perfect and they didn't have to hang out with the adults!!
(Sam...are you asleep?)
 Before the evening started, Jack welcomed everyone with a "Happy Fourth"  sidewalk chalk sign. As you can see, the kids set off a few firecrackers!
 Our driveway or should I say the entire lane, looked like a war zone of fireworks!! The next morning, it still smelled like fireworks!
 No problem, a clean up crew showed up the the next morning!!
 Everyone pitched in to help clean, except Jack.
 He was busy saving traumatized frogs!
The families decided to make this an annual tradition and have already brainstormed ideas for next year! Now, if we can only remember our great ideas when next year comes around!

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