Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Backyard TeePee

Only at our house would a visit turn into a teepee building afternoon!

After Jack got home from school, he said he was going to go upstairs and play his video game. I told him to look outside and think of what he could do out was such a wonderful day to be wasted playing vids!

 I suggested he collect some sticks and build a little house on the patio.  I then had to go  pick up Sam from school and my mom, who had stopped by, said she would  hang out with Jack while I was gone. 

When I came back, my mom is outside with torn sheets and tying sticks together for Jack. I shared with them that when I suggested making a house, I really wasn't thinking of  "making a house!"

Good thing my mom is tall and that I had an old sheet in the garage!

My mom turned out to be a pretty darn good teepee builder! She cut the edges of the sheet to wrap around the sticks...I am still trying to figure out how she did that!

As Jack stated, a perfect little outdoor activity!
 When I tucked Jack into bed last night he said he really had fun playing outside and building his teepee and then said out loud,  
"I wonder what else can you do outside like that?"  

 That just proved to me that Jack needs to get outside more!

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