Monday, March 30, 2015

Can you wear spanx to the gym?

I will admit, I hibernated this winter...big time. Everything, including my weight, is at an all time high. Which I was totally ok with, until the temperatures start to rise and I have tee shirt and short season growling at me from around the corner! 

I blame my hibernation on my mirrors. I can only see my body from the high waist up in my mirrors. So when we went out of town and the mirrors were lower and showed more of my body, all I could say was DEAR GOD!!! I don't think its ok for my butt to touch the back of my knees and I KNOW I am not 5 months pregnant, but both of those things could be assumed by looking in that mirror!

Jason is a regular worker outer. He joined a new gym in our town which happens to be three minutes away (by car) and has an indoor track. When I say "he" joined the gym, he actually got a family membership. Well, after seeing my sagging body in the mirror, I decided something needed to be done and began walking at the gym.

The first night I went, I threw on whatever and headed over to "work out."  I started my walk with my baggy sweat pants and tee shirt along with Jason's over the ear ear-buds. 
Subtle huh. 

Well, when at the gym, I can't help but look at everyone else and suddenly noticed EVERYONE had on those tight workout/yoga pants. 

I suddenly became very conscious of my baggie sweats and my nervousness of "standing out" flared it's ugly head and my brain kicked into "must conform" mode. No, I didn't pinch roll my sweats, but I did go shopping the next day.

Yea, not everyone can or should (me being one of those people) wear those tight pants and I just don't understand the fashion. But my conforming brain told me to try it! After trying on many pairs and lots of "Are you kidding me" and "Seriously!" while looking into the mirror, I settled on this pair from Nike.

Aren't they cute? Ya, because this girl is size 0!! 

So, the day came when I decided to wear these to the gym. I put on my tight tights and then panicked because, "Do you wear underwear under these? That will give me a pantie line! But if I don't wear undies, that is just going to show too much information!!" So, underwear was worn.

Now for the top. All those cute, fun colors of tops that look so great to wear? NOT!!!

These tops show every roll and bump. When I tried one of these tops on I said, "Absolutely not!" My muffin top was very accentuated.  I am sure by this time I had scared the other customers that happen to be walking past my dressing room while I was talking to myself. The only way I was going to wear a top like that, was to wear Spanx. A full body Spanx unit was needed.,0&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeg 
Just a little number like this one.

Then I thought, why don't I just buy one of these body suits to wear every day and I wouldn't even have to go to the gym!


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