Friday, December 19, 2014

The Look of Success...

Sam has been obsessed with the Rubik's Cube lately. A couple of kids at school can solve the cubes and this has intrigued Sam for sometime. How do they do that?

Well,  Sam was on a mission and started watching  you tube videos that showed step by step directions on how to solve the cube. He became determined to figure that thing our!  I would find him up early in the morning working on that cube before going to school, laying in his bed working on the cube and instead of reading at night, he was working on that cube!

This morning was no different. He was working on that cube even before he had eaten his breakfast. Notice the box sitting to the side.

I was taking a few pictures because he was SO intense!!
he actually "SHUSHED" me!  Oh!

I just happened to click this picture as he looked up and yelled. "AHHHH!! I DID IT!!"
He was over the moon about solving that cube! It was great and so much fun to see him so happy about his success! His next comment was, "My hands are totally sweating!"

He has since then written down step by step directions on paper on how to solve the Rubik's cube. He completes it as far as he can, until he needs to check his "cheat sheet." I am proud to say that he has solved it two times without looking at his cheat sheet once!! Yea, Sam!

He gets this from his mom! :)
I am talking about his detailed note taking!!

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