Monday, December 29, 2014


Phew...what a couple of weeks!
 We have been on the go, go, go! 
So much so, that even Jason (who loves to be on the go) said no more to the go! 
I have loads to share, that it is almost overwhelming, so I will give you a quick overview of the last two weeks (in no particular order!)

 I volunteered to photograph Jack's winter party at school.

The boys practiced their photo-bombing!
(I needed to get some sleep!)

We went to an ISU basketball game.

Watched movies in the basement.

Went to a new movie theater in our area!

 Moose and I took selfies!

Sam ROCKED his guitar solo in his recital!

Jack wore an ugly Christmas tee to school.

I walked out one evening and the boys were laying on the balcony looking down at the Christmas tree. They weren't saying a thing...just looking at the tree.

Had my Memory Bound Christmas party. The theme was from the movie  "National Lampoo's Christmas Vacation." Jason and I dressed up as the boss and the boss's wife!

 My sister thought my coat was the bomb! So does Sammy!!

Cousin Christmas...a favorite night of ours!!

Christmas Eve family photo!
Enjoying pepperoni sticks for dinner!

Enjoying juice from our Christmas Vacation Reindeer glasses!

Drank a lot of hot chocolate!

And finally...the boys seeing their gifts from Santa!!

Now to get this all in my December Daily album...someday!

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