Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Last Day of Summer...

The boys have been in school for two full weeks, but noticed that I have yet to share some first day of school pictures!  Well, getting ready for the first day of school pictures!

Before going to meet and greet the teacher, where the kiddos can drop off their school supplies the evening before school begins, Jack laid out all of his supplies to check that he had everything. He also decided that some of the supplies were just too cool for school, such as the magnetic dry erase markers!

A quick picture of Jack by his locker!

Jack at his desk.
And that was all I got...I don't know what was wrong with me...only two pictures!!

Sam is at middle school and so we had a couple of days we went up to practice locker combination and walking to his different classes.

Some of his classes where on the second floor. This kiddo will not be tardy! After several trial runs, Sam was good to go! at one point, Jack and I said we would wait for Sam by his locker. He said no problem and off he went...he came back and said, "I got lost."
"No worries," I told him, "better today! Why don't you try again!"
So he was all good!

The boys decided that they wanted their last summer dinner to be at Hickory Park. It always wins for a celebration dinner!

I am happy to report that the boys both love their new classrooms, teachers and seeing their friends!
That's a big PHEW from me!

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