Thursday, September 5, 2013

It was a good game and all were having fun until this happened...

The blue guy tackled Sam and cracked him pretty hard with his helmet.

I knew something was wrong. I could tell because when the next play was happening, and as you can see, Sam wasn't really doing anything. Why am I still taking pictures? I watch a lot of the game through my lens so I can see the game better. So while I am watching, I do click off a few photos and happened to catch this shot.

After that play, they took Sam off the field...he did walk off on his own. My stomach hurt. It's not a good feeling when it's YOUR kid that is hurt. I wanted to run out there yelling, "OH MY BABY!!! ARE YOU OK?  MOMMY'S HERE!!"  but Sam would have been mortified, so would have Jason and then after I did that, I too, would have been mortified!!  What was awesome was that the other dads, that were on the field,  headed over to check on Sam and to help him out. 

So I watched from the side lines. Jason headed out there to see how he was doing. The EMT, on the left also watched him for a bit. He was a bit dazed, but no signs of concussion (phew.)

He had played the entire game, offense, defense and he was a bit over heated and needed to get cooled down. 

I was thankful that Jason stayed with him.

The coach came over and talked with Sam and told him that he was done for the day. They took off his pads and I started asking, "WHY ARE THE TAKING OFF HIS PADS??"  Another dad reassured me, "Katie, they are hot. Sam needs to cool down." oh. ok.

So there he sat for the rest of the game. Safe. (yea!!)

The team did go on to win the tournament!! Yea Bombers!!
We did keep a close eye on Sam for the next 24 hours and happy to say that he doing just fine.

 I am off today to buy a bunch of foam to duck tape around his body for next week.

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