Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jack...My Little Thinker...

Jack's football season also began on Sunday. He is playing flag football and Jason is his coach.

The boys had their games at the same time, so I went between the games. The pictures are blurry, because I took them through the fence. Jack wears his tall black socks...just like his big brother!

Jack was successful and pulled another players flag...yes, from the other team!

It looks like this kids mouth guard needs a little trim! From this angel it looks as if it is tickling Jack's ear!!

My tough little thinker boy!

What a facial expression!

Jason and Jack talked after the game and Jack let him in on his thoughts about football.
"I decided that I would let the guy have a little space (like above) that way when he catches the ball, then I can get his flag."
Jason said, "Well, you need to be by your guy so he WON'T get the ball. What if he catches the ball, takes off and you don't get his flag?"
Jack, "Hmmm...never thought about that."

He went on to share, "I'd like to get an interception sometime."
Jason, "Then you need to be beside your guy."
Jack, "OK."

So we will watch to see if Jack changes he game plan at next week's game!


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