Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Football has Begun...

Our junior football season officially started last Sunday. It was warm out, but as my mom kept saying, "Love the breeze!" Sam's team lost after putting up a great fight. The other team did not score in the second we like to refer to that as "Winning the second half!" due to us scoring in the second half.

This year Sam is number 65. His jersey is huge on him. He tried to keep it tucked in and then just gave up. We liked that because it was easy to spot him on the field!

During football, I rarely get any face shots of Sam. Sunday was a successful day with several face shot opportunities!

If I am correct, Sam plays left tackle on offense and right guard on defense.

These two went after it all game.
Careful on the wrist, Sam!

Got in on a tackle.

This is one of my all time favorite pictures. There are very few times that Sam will actually turn to look for me or at me when he plays. This picture says a thousand words..."Oh're here." It may also say, "Dang, it's hot out here....Why is your laugh so loud?...I am going to blast this guy apart." Though, I like to think it was the first comment!

We still have a lot of football that needs to be played...and you know what that means...lots of pictures to share each week!

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