Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Swing Batter Batter...

Baseball season for Jack is just around the corner. So since the weather has been amazing, we have been outside working on his swing! We told Jack to go get his bat...we waited and waited.  He FINALLY came out of the garage with full gear on...bat, helmet and his new cleats! 

"Mom, this helmet is way too small and hurts my ears!"
I thought he was saying, "What? What? I can't hear you?"

Sam tried to pitch a few balls. I have no idea where the ball is in this picture.  Sam just threw it and Jack didn't hit it...

Jack needed to swing harder, so we told him to swing like he was hitting the head off a zombie!  It worked a little too well. He lost his balance after his big swing!

Jason came in to get the practice under control and assigned us jobs.  Jason would pitch, I was the catcher and would throw missed balls to Sam, who was assigned to stand behind Jason and get hit balls...and ones I didn't quite throw directly to him.  Jack really hung in there and was finally able to hit some balls!

This is our ball girl.  She would go after the balls and actually bring them back. It was awesome!  the only bad thing was they were nasty slobbery.  I knew when Sam would get one of those because he would suddenly yell, "AH! YUCK!!"

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