Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Look at me...please.....

Moose....I REALLY don' t want to do this to you!

It's for the best.

PLEASE look at me! Please!

 Moose has loved her freedom of being able to roam freely around our yard. We loved that she was able to roam around freely.  Unfortunately, her buffalo roaming days are over. When Moose roams, she roams for two hours. Then she won't eat when she gets home because she has filled her tummy with...something. And then she gets sick about 24 hours later.  Not just sick, but SICK SICK SICK. Major accidents in the house, which is SO not like her...unless she has been roaming the range.

Moose...this is for your own good. 

PLEASE look at me!!!

When she roams, she goes off and ends up eating something.  I have no idea what it is that she was eating. I could be a dead deer or dead antelope. It could be food from the raccoon traps our neighbors set. What ever it is, I don't like the way it come out of her body after 24 hours.

She was so sick last time, that we decided it was time to chain her up. So, if she goes outside on her own, she has to be chained up.  I HATE THIS!! But, we are afraid she is going to eat something that will make her very sick and she won't get better.

So when she goes outside, she won't look at me.


I yell, "TREAT!?"

HAHA!! Got you to look at me, Mo Mo D!"

(Mo Mo D. is Moose's rapper name that Jack gave her.
Short for Moose Moose dog.
Not to be confused with goose goose duck!)

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