Monday, April 1, 2013

Brave Boys and a Good Joke...

"KATIE!" yelled Jason from the living room.  When I got out there, he was looking out the window at our patio table. "Are those real?"

He was referring to these two robins on our table. My first response was, "OH MY WORD!  It was so cold, they froze to the table last night!"  He looked at me and said, "I don't know if they are real...look at their eyes." which, were very shiny.

So, let's send out the two bravest people in our household. Check out how Sam is holding onto Jack!!!

After close inspection, they were official deemed fake birds.

Yep, our old neighbor has been at it again...while we were out of town, he wired two birds to our patio table. We have GOT to think of some good practical jokes to "get even" with that man!!!

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