Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dentist, Loose Teeth and Tartar...

Over break we had dentist appointments...

The boys wear sunglasses at the dentist, so when they are tipped back in the chair, the don't go blind!  Sam does fine at the dentist, but is always a little apprehensive.  He has a loose tooth and SO DID NOT want it to come out. So our dentist gave him until June 1st to get the little guy out.  A little encouragement always seems to work for Sam to get a tooth out on his own terms.

Jack is a little more relaxed at the dentist. He likes to know how many loose teeth he has AND how many are in his mouth. But, if you ask him those questions today, I can't guarantee that he would know the answers.  Sam doesn't like to get the tar-tar (tarter in Belding Boy terms) scratched off, but knows it's for the best.  We found out that Jack has an "uncontrollable" tongue. When the dentist hygienist scarps the tar-tar off his teeth, his tongue pushes forward as an uncontrolled reflex. She showed me what his tongue was doing...Interesting...Like most things when it comes to Jack.

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