Friday, January 4, 2013


We also got to watch AP warm up!

Cameras follow him everywhere!

Then Jared Allen came out to warm up near us!

Jason informed us that we all have to wear the EXACT same clothes for Saturdays game...and we CANNOT wash the clothes either! Ewww. Jason then shared that he had not washed his outfit for the last 4-5 weeks. Double ewww!!

Sam was on a mission to get his picture by the Cris Carter wall painting since he had his Cris Carter jersey on.  Jason bought this jersey for Sam when he was about 18 months old...he finally can wear it!!

This was what is was like to be a Packers fan towards the end of the game!

The cheerleaders posed for an end of the game picture??  Sam looked at me and said, "I wouldn't mind being down there!" UGH!!!

Well, tomorrow we will be watching what happens between the viking and the packers...while wearing our dirty clothes!!

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