Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Mini Vacation...

We headed to Minneapolis for a fun filled mini vacation...I call long weekends mini vacations!

Our first stop (after waiting over 30 minutes to get into the parking lot!) was to the Mall of America and straight to the Lego store.  The entire mall was SUPER crowded (even for me a hard core shopper!) but the boys were determined to use the Lego gift cards they go for Christmas. 

While walking around, "we" noticed the vikings cheerleaders in one of the stores. We walked on by and I asked Sam if he wanted to get his picture taken with them..."UH...YEA!"  Now, usually Sam will say, "I don't know, do you think I should?"  But not this he growing up?

Jack didn't want to be left out of the whole celebration!

That night we headed to the Target Center to watch a Timberwolves vs. the Phoenix Suns NBA game.

Sam wore his Timberwolves and was called a trader all night by Jack...the Suns fan.

The Suns lost. Jack told all of us, "Even though you may not win the game, you still win in your heart." Deep.

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