Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Silly Girl...

Poor Moose..ever since she got herself so sick from wandering off and eating, who knows what, I am so gun shy to just let her out on her own like I usually do....or did. I 've tried putting  her on her leash to take her out, but she tends not to do her duty but would rather go for a walk.  I have tried letting her out without her leash and follow her around, but then she looks at me like...are we going for a walk or she chases a squirrel.

So I got a tie up thing.  It's horrible!  She just look at me like this...she doesn't like it either. I've only used it two times. UGH...what's a girl to do..get invisible dog fence for three acres!!! Hmmmmmm....

Moose supervised me while i took down Christmas decorations.

"Hey boys!  I TOLD you these are all my pelts, so just back off!!"
Doesn't she totally look as if she is talking!!!

At times, Moose is so lazy.  She wanted to beg for some food, but her

Oh dear.  I am one of "those" dog people.

1 comment:

  1. Being one of "those" dog people is just fine! Speaking dog is a privilege that most people don't get! :)

