Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jack Playing Ball...

Jack started playing basketball a couple of weeks ago.  This is the first game I have been able to attend because Sam has had his basketball games at the same time. Since Jason is Jack's coach, he goes to jack's games and I go to Sam's games.  Sam and I were pretty excited to watch Jack play some ball!!

Jack loves basketball! 

Sam is the post for his basketball team. Jack got a rebound and his elbows came out...just like Sam does when he rebounds.  Need to remember to mention to Jack that he doesn't need to be so aggressive!

His dribbling has improved greatly from last year! The kiddos will dribble, stop, start dribbling again, stop again and then they may just walk to the place were they would like to take their shot.
This age is so fun to watch!!!

Dear Lord..please just let the ball fall into my hands.

(Jack was reading along as I wrote this post.
 His "take" on the pictures are included in the parenthesis.)
(Jack's version: He just wanted to catch the ball coming out of the hoop.)

Everyone..Let's do the wave!

(I'm going after the ball!)

Now for some rebound faces....

(I'm just taking a deep breath.)

Um...I really don't like this kids armpit in my face.  Kind of gross.

(I just wanted to get the ball)

aarrrrruuuuhhhh...I am a zoooombie.  Give. me. the. baaaaalllll.

(Mom! I'm stretching for the ball and my face stretched, too!)
 \ might come my way, but I really don't want it to.

(Again, I am just trying to get the ball!!!)

Jack did make shot during the game! Nothing is better then the humongous smile that is on Jack's face after he make s a basket...and his little gallop in his step down the court is pretty awesome, too.

(I was very very very happy!)
We were too, buddy!!

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