Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Haircuts...

Yesterday was haircut day!
Jack really doesn't like to cut his hair.  He would have hippy  long hair if he could!  Yesterday he requested, "A small trim, please."

And that is what he got!

I must say, Sam has the fastest growing hair ever!! Sam wears his hair short and this is what he looks like after just 3 weeks!!  I wish I could grown my hair that fast!

Sam decided to go with a summer buzz...a first for him.  he has ALWAYS wanted to buzz his hair, but i talk him out of it!!  Not was the official buzz day.  Here he is half way there...check out all the hair on his shoulder!

TA DA!!  He LOVES IT!! I have to get use to him not having that little "fluff" of hair in the front!  Check out the look the guy in the background is giving Sam...he had just got his hair cut and obviously doesn't care for the buzzed look!

We celebrated new hair cuts at our favorite sub place..Planet Sub. (I can always figure out some reason for eating out!)

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