Tuesday, May 29, 2012

High Trestle Trail Bridge...

I haven't had a working bike in some time!  I was to get on for Monther's Day 2011, but that didn't happen.  So finally the other day, Jason decided it was time for me to get a new bike and I was ready to take the plunge!! Well, "we" couldn't wait to go on a family bike ride, so off we went to the High Trestle Trail in Madrid on Monday.

Jack rode tandum with Jason.  He loved it (once he got use to it!) He even tried a few bike tricks, such as taking one hand off the handle bars!

Sam had his bike...

and me with my new helmet, my new bike and my super duper white legs!! At least I shaved them!

It's the perfect family ride...only 2.5 miles to the bridge.  Had to check out the senic stop! 

We rode over this entire bridge and then rode the 2.5 miles back to town.

We stopped at the Flat Tire Lounge for some lunch, which was right were we parked.

The fellow beside Sam asked me how far we rode...I told him we just went to the bridge.  He asked where we started...(DUH!) We started here, I shared with him.  He went on to tell me how he rode  the 20+ miles from Ankeny.  Good luck going back with that head wind, I wanted to tell him! (No "first timer" likes a bragger!)
Overall, it was actually a fun day and a great first family bike ride!
Check in tomorrow to see the other new thing we have!
NO...it's NOT a puppy!!

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