Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Moose...

People have been asking about Moose, so I thought I would give a quick update...
She is doing awesome!! I would say she is about 85% healed at this time. She can go up and down the stairs and she is now sleeping upstairs with us again...she is so happy! She still walks with a little limp, but that is expected at this time. She still cannot go for long walks, only 5-10 minutes ones. We go to the doctor for a check up this week and hope that she can begin to do more normal dog things..such as chase the ball. At this time, she can't stand for an extended period of time or her leg begins to ache.  She is sore after a bath, so she hasn't had one in some time...I think she is okay with that, but the people around are soon going to have a problem with her...scent!!

The boys slept in sleeping bags by the Christmas tree the other night and left their sleeping bags out. Moose curled up in them as soon as the boys were out!!

I think this could be Moose's Christmas card!!
(you can see her little leg that she can't bend. it is always right by her head.)

I don't know how she did this, but she got herself all snuggled in one day!!
You can see that most of her hair has grown back on her leg...looks so much better!

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