Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Henry's Happenings...

Our elf, Henry has been busy, but nothing too exciting...yet.

He was "taken over" by a group of nutcrackers.

He played Sam's DS while...drinking? (seriously Jason??? "It's a Christmas beer," he explained.)

He also learned that not all toys play nice...

Henry has eaten Jason's cookies and he has also been in the shower, but thought it wouldn't be appropriate to show that photo!

He also had to write Sam and Jack about their behavior one day. 

Dear Sam and Jack,

Santa was sad to hear some of the things I had to report to him. I had to tell him that I heard the two of you fighting a few times yesterday. He was also sad to hear that jack didn’t clean up his room or put away his clothes when his mom asked him to. When I told him these things, Santa was surprised to hear them because you two have always been on the nice list. He told me to tell you he knows that today will be a better day and I will have good things to share with him tonight.

Your elf friend,


When the boys told us that Henry had written them a letter, we asked them what it said.  Jack said, "I can't remember.  It was too long."  So Sam informed us, "He told us that we weren't very good.  But, as least I wasn't mentioned by name like Jack was!"

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