Friday, November 4, 2011

A Little Football...

I literally have 100s of football pictures from Sam's football season this year. But for today, I thought I would share a few from the last game.

Sam was on a traveling team last weekend. He played a game Friday night, Saturday afternoon and then this one, Sunday morning at
 8:20 am...OUCH!

At this early morning game, we (he) played the team (SEP) that had beat us the week before..Sam was very nervous.
 This game was for third place in the tournament.

The Ankeny Black Bombers scored a touchdown early in the first quarter, which fired up EVERYONE!!

For the entire season, Sam was number 55...for traveling team he was number 50.
 When looking at photos, i noticed I had a few of number 55 instead of 50...oops!

I love this picture. I can always spot Sam due to his football stance..his gloved hand in the air!

In the fourth quarter, we score again...the score was 14-0 (us!) That really helped every ones to love a little point cushion!

Did I mention it was FREEZING Sunday morning? 
Jason helped with markers...he had to borrow a coat from someone and kept the hot chocolate coming!

After a well played game...we WON!! 

All the boys had their names announced on the loudspeaker and got to run out on the field to get receive their medal.  The grins on all the kiddos couldn't have been larger!  It was so fun to watch! I love how the  boy son the sidelines were cheering for each other. 

Such a big hearted kid with such a tough times it cracks me up!

Sam with the team trophy.  The last picture of the last game of the season. 

1 comment:

  1. Awww, these are great photos, Katie! You're going to have so much fun through the coming years at Sam's games!

