Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I am Scared of...

These darn snakes (all two sightings and one snake skin) are driving me crazy!  After loads of conversations of why are you scared of snakes...and...what else are you scared of, i decided to share!

What scares me....snakes.  When I was little I went on a stick collecting walk. Picking up all sorts of sticks.  At one point, I picked up a stick and it went limp in my hand.  It was a snake...NOT a stick...that is how is all started. 

When something bothers me or scares me, my thighs ache (not in a good way.)  I haven't sorted out if the last weeks aches are from being tense from seeing a snake shimmy across the sidewalk or from jumping up and down every time I go outside...I believe they can feel my vibrations and will go away from my instead of to me.

I am also scared of old men riding bicycles on the wrong side of the road with cards in their spokes...thanks to the movie "In the Mouth of Maddness."  Jason and I will be driving down a dark road and I will say, "What would you do if an old man on a bike rode past us."  We creep ourselves out.

Someone told me once of a story about a woman's whose uterus fell out...WHAT?  I can't imagine being at the mall and suddenly, "pop!"  Me:  "Oops...just my uterus."  SERIOUSLY? That frightens me!

Old mental/phyciatric hospitals scare me.  yuck yuck yuck.

Unknown places...such as when you are traveling. While in chicago, we would turn a corner and I would whisper to jason, "we are going die!"

Now there is a difference between something that scares you and something that really bothers you..

Things that really bother me are:
My old neighbor!!  (heehee)
Cuts or slices on the body...from paper, knives, anything that has the ability to slice the body.
The movie "Freaks."
Glass elevators.
Eels. (surprise!)
Black ice.

1 comment:

  1. Your "old neighbor" may just have to get on a bike "with cards in their spokes" and pay you a visit.

