Thursday, September 15, 2011

Project or Phase Two..

We have decided to do some more landscaping around our back patio. I refer to it as phase 2...(photos are rough...didn't edit any of them!)

This is what the patio looks like as you walk out the sliding doors.

The view from the patio table...that is our fire pit in the background.

This is a shot of our patio on the left side of the patio table.

This is what it looked like when I got home from work yesterday. If you refer to the previous picture, I am standing by the large stone bench on the right. In this photo, you can see our patio on the left. We are putting in a flower bed, then a stone wall and then a recessed patio. You can see the beginning of the wall on the lower right corner. at the end of the can see where one set of steps will be built.

A shot of the stone and dirt from the picnic table...and the boys playing army.

This is the view I have coming our of the sliding glass doors...

The boys love playing our there at this time...jumping from the upper level...

to the lower level.

Will be glad when this project is done!

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