Our state fair is a BIG state...a BIG state fair it is....

While checking out the State Fair web-site, I noticed that you can make an itinerary for your day. The organizer in me bloomed!
While checking out the State Fair web-site, I noticed that you can make an itinerary for your day. The organizer in me bloomed!
So with our itinerary in hand, the boys (including Jason) headed to the fair. First time that we did not pull a wagon or push a stroller...yes!
Sam and I started with a BIG grinder. My favorite fair food. (last time At the fair i went to the counter to get my grinder and a girl threw up on the sidewalk right behind me. Needless to say, I didn't eat that grinder.)
And Jason got his picture taken with a "BIG" politician.
Jack asked if Sarah Palin was the one who made the butter cow.
Jason, "No, she's not that talented." (sorry if that offended anyone.)
Moose Update: First, thanks for all the well wishes for Moose! She is doing a bit better. She is not to go up and down the stairs and that is driving her crazy. She is not happy when we all go up stairs to go to bed. Wed. night she would bark and then I would come down and she would just look at me, "HI!" I went back to bed. I woke up at 3:00 am with panting..nope, not Jason, but Moose! She climbed those stairs..that stinker!! The trick was to get her down the stairs, the next morning, which was accomplished by me putting her front end on my lap and scooting down the steps while she moved her back paws. Her swelling is much better and she moved around a bit more last night. She SO wants to go outside and sit and chase balls. Not for at least 4 more days!!
Moose just loves her Mommy!! :)
You're taking good care of her!!
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