Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh the Heat...

I believe the heat is getting the best of everyone.  Here is how we have been coping these last few days...

When we did our remodeling, our contractor took our two of the three cold air returns.  Well, that has proven very hot due to the fact, that the one return just isn't large enough to keep the upstairs cool.  It gets so warm upstairs by night, that the boys have been sleeping on the main floor.

Jack built himself a fort in the sun room.

Complete with blankets, monkeys and a fan blowing right on him.

Sam sleep on an air mattress in the front room, right under the ceiling fan.  Jack joins Sam in the morning for cartoon watching!

Moose gets ice-cubes in her water which, as Jack states, makes it an extra cold yummy drink.

But sometimes a cold chilly drink just doesn't do the trick....

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious picture of Moose laying over the steps! She does love ice! Keep cool! Cheryl

