Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Pirate Party!

Jack had a few friends over on Saturday to help him celebrate his sixth birthday with a Pirate party!

Here's the "entry" table...

where the kiddos got a pirate hat, sword and a goodie bag with eye patches, tattoos, earring and necklaces.

They walked the plank...


A group shot of all the pirates!

Jack and all his hair.  My mom helped me sew vests (an idea from a friend) and i tore red fabric into sashes.

Jason was Blackbeard.

Sam grew some chest hair!

Sam lead the little pirates on a treasure hunt.  What's Blackbeard doing in the background...is he seriously checking his messages during the party?  Busted!

Opening presents...with friends and Moose!

Time for the pinata...

We hung it from the basketball hoop. Of course, we could not get it to bust, so I took a whack at it and the body came off from the head...so, no candy came out.  Had to go to the "old fashion" way of just shaking the candy out of the body.

After Jack opened presents I said, Jack, what do you tell your friends?"
Perfectly stated.

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