Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Moose and Esther...

Wanted to share some pictures of Moose and her new BFF, Esther.  I shared in a previous post that we babysat Esther, that was before Moose. Esther's "mom" hooked us up with Moose's first family...i must say that we owe her a HUGE THANK YOU for doing that...we owe getting Moose to her...again, Miss B.  THANK YOU!!!

Jack LOVES Esther and his loyalties were a bit tested between the two, but he did very well.  Esther remembered the boys and Moose made sure that the boys remembered her when Esther was around.

Jack walked and petted the dogs at the same time...everyone was treated the same time.

The boys threw balls and treats at the friends.  Esther was smart...she knew the boy could throw far and so she was ready!

Sam is working his Caesar Milan magic to get both dogs to sit and wait for a treat.

Love this picture of the two of them!

Hope to have more play dates for the two friends...Esther and Moose that is!


  1. I would like to thank B also!


  2. Believe's my pleasure!! Makes me smile to see Moose smile! :)

