Thursday, June 30, 2011

June Randomness..

For the last day in June, I thought I would share photos that I didn't post this month due to one reason or another....

Sam and my mom on her 70th birthday!!

Moose (of course!) wanted to be in the photo, too.

Jack and Nanny on her birthday.

My mom and sister have the same birthday. So happy day to meg, too!

And a typical picture with Aunt...Sam was trying to get the fan to be on top of his head and look like the statue of liberty.

How the boys watch a movie on our "two story" couch.

Moose can also double as a foot rest!

Jack had the super power of reflection one day with his shiny duct tape.

I signed the boys up for an on-line scrap class this summer. They each got a Smash book in the mail. Sam is decorating his cover with footballs, Vikings and Harry Potter stickers.

Jack's is total monkey...

Hope your summer is going well!!

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