Thursday, June 2, 2011

Monday Moose...

Oops..I was going to post these pictures of moose on Monday, but time got away from me, so it's really not Monday Moose, but Thursday???? (Can't think of anything catchy) Anyway, thought I would update you on our Moose...

She has her picture taken a lot...what a surprise!

She loves to play ball and get HUGE belly rubs...look at the smile!

The boys are just eating her up!! Sam calls her "Moosie."

Jack loves, loves, loves her....he takes her where ever he goes. He loves when she is laying down and he will lay nose to nose with her...and then she will put her paw over him (sigh.) I do have a picture of that to post later!!

All three of them have such cheesy smiles!

The ONLY reason I am sharing this photo is to show how Moose enjoys sitting on the steps in the sunroom...
Several people have asked how it is going~as you can see, we are enjoying every minute with her and are so lucky to have her in our family!
(OH NO! My name is Katie Belding and I post "cheesy" dog posts..oh well!!)


  1. I just love that you have given Moose a Forever Home. Many "older" pets have trouble finding new homes. She's perfect for you guys and you are perfect for her. This makes me all warm and fuzzy!!!

