Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Mini Bon Fire...

We decided to roast marshmallows the other night. First "roasting" of the season.

The boys gathered wood and then waited for the fire to really get going.

Testing out the heat of the fire...good thing it was good and warm, because it was Sunday night and the humidity was about 90%, so it was a bit chilly....(haha)

Jason had to add...smoke to the flames....

Jason trying to control the smoke in the background...

The flames continued to be very hot, hence the covering of the faces. That, or they were checking out to see if it should be bath night!
(those blue things on their belts are those little mosquito repellent fans.)

We broke out the glow necklaces...

The key to getting a good "glow" photo is to hold REALLY STILL..

Sam got the stillness down!

Jack got the wiggles down...

Look how curly Jack's hair is from the humidity...Love it!!!

Another try at the holding REALLY STILL with the glow necklaces...much more successful!!
Overall it was a great three-day weekend!!  Hope yours was, too!

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