Thursday, May 26, 2011

Right Now...

People have asked why I blog.  Really, the only reason i do blog is because I am not the best scrapbooker!  Scrapbooks tell stories...and if I rely on my scrapbooks, Jack will think he was never a baby!  So, at the end of each month, I print out the posts and put them in a binder.  My hopes is that the boys will have a "family" history to look back and read some day...from my bloggings.

What I am really enjoying are my "right now" posts.  In a few words or lines, it tells what a person is liking, doing, etc. right now. I ran across a list and thought it would be perfect for a "right now" post or a good scrapbook page (if I get to that!)...use it to record what you are doing RIGHT NOW!!

Right now...

listening:  Mumford and Sons and The Avett Brothers
reading: Finishing up Hunger Games
watching: reruns of The Dog Whisperer (I love Cesar Millan)
eating: everything, unfortunately...especially Palmer's spinner salads
drinking: grande Carmel light fraps from Starbucks and kiwi strawberry propels
wearing: favorite jeans and cotton shirts (imagine that)...flats and flip flops
feeling: tired and needing to spend time with my boys...and some alone time for myself
bumming: that Oprah is really done, no matter how much in denial I am
weather: very warm, storms and now chilly...always in Iowa
playing: with my new SMASH book (will post more about this soon!)
wanting: magic balm to rub on my muffin top and then it will magically disappear
needing: to start yoga up again
waiting:  for the weekend, because all four of us have NOTHING going on
enjoying: watching Moose develop individual relationships with each of us
thankful: for that I have and all that I don't have..

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