Wednesday, May 25, 2011


As we all know, today is Oprah's last show...*sniff*  *sniff*
I remember when the show started...I was 14 years old and even saw the first show!!
I also purchased the first issue of "O Magazine" and still read it each month.  I still have the first issue in a safe box...somewhere!
When Oprah came to Iowa to support Obama, I was there in the audience!

When Obama was elected, Oprah was in the crowd in Chicago..I remember seeing this shot of her and wondering who the guy was that she was leaning on...
I kept this issue of O Magazine because the on the very last page she talks about when she was in Iowa with Obama!
I went to the Oprah show once...We got to watch the premiere of the movie "Wild Hogs" in the morning and then watch the taping..with the above the morning.  That was some day!  I actually have a 5 page story written about it...
I took my picture standing beside the Harpo Studio sign that day...
My friend Heather lives in Australia and hoped that she would hook up with Oprah while she was down under!
and who isn't going to miss Oprah's favorite things...and how many of those favorite things did you buy (if possible)
At least I will have the own network....
I can also listen to Oprah radio while in the car....
Good-bye Oprah...I will miss you!

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