Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Reaching out and saying thank you to your Mom is really as simple when you begin with, “Thank you for…” and then filling in the blank. So often in life we attempt to make things much more complicated than they need to be. We get mixed up in the layers of time and hurt and happiness. We forget that a simple thank you can mean so very much.

Here’s what I’d like to thank my Mom for today:

Thank you for teaching me how to make the best french toast on Sundays.

My boys love when I make cinnamon french toast! (just need to work on that homemade macaroni!)

Thank you for sharing some of the challenges you’ve had in your life. For entrusting me with your feelings both happy and sad...

Thank you for instilling in me the importance of naps (and even encouraging some!)

Thank you for being a model of moving forward, even when it was just so hard...

Thanks for catching me when I was falling and others just watched...

Thank you for telling me it was okay to stand up for myself...that I didnt' deserve to sit in the backseat....

Thank you for knowing what I was saying to you, even when I hadn't said a word...

Thank you for having that internal "mother" thing and knowing exactly when I needed you...

Thank you for helping me realize that so many things aren't worth the worry...

Thank you for listening to me share my own challenges as a working Mom and then a stay at home Mom..and supporting me 100% in both journeys..

Thank you for being proud of me and encouraging me to find my own place...

Thank you for loving my children and me and my family so completely and unconditionally...

Thank you for you and everything you are and everything you have brought into my life...

I love you, mom!!

(Loved these Mother's Day Words too...

1 comment:

  1. I read this through tear blurred eyes.... thank to you for such a nice mom's day thought.
    You took small seeds of love and grew to be a woman of strength, courage and caring.
    It is my joy to watch you love those boys and make a great home for your family....even if the mac and cheese comes from a box.

