Friday, May 6, 2011

A Groundbreaking Event...

Ankeny is opening their 9th elementary school in a couple of years and Sam and Jack will attend this new school.So the principal at Sam's current school asked if he would like to participate in the groundbreaking....are you following all that?

A shot of Sam and Jack before the groundbreaking ceremony begins...

Sam "listening" to the speeches....

Off he goes to dig some dirt!

Everyone got their shovels ready?

Still waiting for the "go" signal....

...and DIG!

...and pose (the announcer actually told the kiddos to hold the dirt up until all pictures were taken!) and Sam is not one to break the rules!

...and done!

and the moment when all the kids got ready for a second scoop, but then realized they were done.

Funny story!!
We are heading to the ceremony and i asked Sam if a reporter asks him his thoughts on the new school, what would he say. Sam, in his honest form, replies, "Well, I am not too excited about it and really don't want to go here, because I will have to leave all my friends."
I got the giggles and eventually started laughing out loud. Thank goodness no one asked him for any comments!!!

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