Thursday, February 17, 2011

Project Life...

I started this project the first week of January, but haven't mentioned it to many because I wasn't sure if i would keep it up to date.
i am proud to let you know, that I have been able to keep up this project called "Project Life." You keep track or document things that go on during your week. At first it sounds overwhelming, but i really, really like the process. I take so many pictures and keep so many every day things, that this is very "doable" for me.

Above, i have pictures of everyday things. the 2x3 note cards explain the pictures or add more details of the week. Sam wrote a note to Jason - which I kept and we also went to the play Strega Nona. From the play i had a newspaper clipping and our ticket. I have always kept alot of these items and now i have a quick and easy way to keep track of them and "display" them for the boys to see in the future.

This week i included a story about Sam, a favorite quote and jack writing his last name for the first time.

If I find i have more room, I include receipts from different places...the library fine i had to pay (again), gas receipt and a eat out receipt, too. I have also included my grocery list and receipt from that.

This week doesn't have as many pictures, but included my staples receipt for buying ink, the flyer from the play this weekend and a drawing from jack. A full week is actually 2 of the above pages.

i keep things from the week in an envelope and then sit down at the end of the week or after a couple of weeks and put things in the scrapbook. I have also included a few scrapbook layouts (jack losing his first tooth and valentine's day picture) of some of my favorite pictures. It has taken the pressure off of having to scrap each photo and thinking of a layout and how to incorporate the receipts of everyday. Also, I don't have to take a photo each day, but have a great record of went on during the week.

For more ideas check out becky's blog (the Creator of Project Life) and alli edwards, too!


  1. I love project life - wish i would have thought of it. Now I just need to get it together and start using it. I'm actually using it for my niece and nephew books - first five years. Thought it would be easy and quick and still have fun doing it. Keep going with it!!!

  2. I think I am going to give project life a try as well. (even though I couldn't even get week in the life done LOL) you will also be happy to know that I finally updated my blog!! another project that I am bound and determined to "keep up" on!

